Faculty & Staff

At Sierra View Junior Academy, it’s our faculty & staff that makes the difference. All of our teachers are credentialed, share a passion for teaching young people and are well prepared at the elementary and secondary levels.

We encourage open communication between our parents, teachers and constituents. To contact a member of our faculty & staff, click on the photo of the person you wish to contact.

Carol Bovee

Brenda Evans
Administrative Assistant

Jafet Lara

Amy Evans
TK & Kindergarten

Shirley Verduzco
Grades 1 & 2

Martha Ruggles
Grades 3 & 4

Darcel Ioane
Grades 5 & 6

Josh Rivas
Grades 7 - 10

Rico Balugo
Grades 7 -1 0 and Athletic Director

Mirta Robles